The Lord's Real Work
Greetings from Kalifi, Kenya!
This is not going to be your typical Lord’s Work post from a mission team in some far corner of the world. Don’t get me wrong, from the moment we arrived at the Chumani Missions of Hope (MOHI) School this morning, our hearts were lifted and broken and lifted again. We spent the day doing Vacation Bible School with the 2nd & 3rd graders in tin shelters build since March 2024. No windows, concrete floors, no doors…and, I am quite sure, we all received more than we gave today.
Many times in my life I have wished for two Super Powers…1) to be able to fix any problem & 2) the ability to take what’s in my head & in my heart and put it in another’s head & heart. I have never wished for those two Super Powers more than I have over the last week. Tonight, I am going to try.
The MOHI organization was founded twenty years ago by Mary & Wallace Kamau. Currently, there are close to 30 schools throughout Kenya. The Chumani School started one year ago with just a handful of students and today, we were greeted by 500 smiling, singing, praying, dancing, kids that just love the Lord and want to learn.
The MOHI organization is truly amazing. The partnerships they have with various companies provide essential services to the schools. MOHI’s brilliance creates & builds in each community they reach through sponsoring small businesses within the student’s families to provide for items used every day by the schools. By directly putting dollars back into the community, MOHI creates a rolling investment plus a sense of hope, pride, and accomplishment for the students and their families. I’ve not done justice to this post as to how impressive the Kamau’s vision and inspiration has been blessed by God.
For example, to sponsor a child at one of the schools is currently $40.00 per month. There is no handout, no cash dump into administration, no giveaways that plague so many other organizations. Each family pays a commitment fee to the school each month, such as $2.00 for one student and $1.50 for each additional student.
While none of this work could be done without Divine intervention with financial contributions, the Real Lord’s Work is being done by the teachers, head teachers (principals), janitors, cooks and the social workers. To say that the social workers we’ve met this week are angels is a gross understatement. They go into the slums every day, meeting with families, listening to problems, praying for solutions, making miracles happen. The janitors keep these schools clean…that is a miracle alone. Pre-K through 8th graders are messy in the best schools in the world…what these kids have to walk through just to get to school is beyond my mere words, and these folks do it by hand, all day, every day. The teachers have energy and love for these kids that will melt the hardest heart. They give everything to teaching and loving and caring and communicating the word of God to their students and the community that has needs beyond my mere words…again.
Fixing the world’s problems and communicating the needs remains a task too large for one person, one mission team, one organization…but impossible with God’s help.
At the end of today, I am grateful and blessed to know these angels on earth and the organization that put’s The Lord’s Real Work into action.
God Bless you all and to all a good night.
This is not going to be your typical Lord’s Work post from a mission team in some far corner of the world. Don’t get me wrong, from the moment we arrived at the Chumani Missions of Hope (MOHI) School this morning, our hearts were lifted and broken and lifted again. We spent the day doing Vacation Bible School with the 2nd & 3rd graders in tin shelters build since March 2024. No windows, concrete floors, no doors…and, I am quite sure, we all received more than we gave today.
Many times in my life I have wished for two Super Powers…1) to be able to fix any problem & 2) the ability to take what’s in my head & in my heart and put it in another’s head & heart. I have never wished for those two Super Powers more than I have over the last week. Tonight, I am going to try.
The MOHI organization was founded twenty years ago by Mary & Wallace Kamau. Currently, there are close to 30 schools throughout Kenya. The Chumani School started one year ago with just a handful of students and today, we were greeted by 500 smiling, singing, praying, dancing, kids that just love the Lord and want to learn.
The MOHI organization is truly amazing. The partnerships they have with various companies provide essential services to the schools. MOHI’s brilliance creates & builds in each community they reach through sponsoring small businesses within the student’s families to provide for items used every day by the schools. By directly putting dollars back into the community, MOHI creates a rolling investment plus a sense of hope, pride, and accomplishment for the students and their families. I’ve not done justice to this post as to how impressive the Kamau’s vision and inspiration has been blessed by God.
For example, to sponsor a child at one of the schools is currently $40.00 per month. There is no handout, no cash dump into administration, no giveaways that plague so many other organizations. Each family pays a commitment fee to the school each month, such as $2.00 for one student and $1.50 for each additional student.
While none of this work could be done without Divine intervention with financial contributions, the Real Lord’s Work is being done by the teachers, head teachers (principals), janitors, cooks and the social workers. To say that the social workers we’ve met this week are angels is a gross understatement. They go into the slums every day, meeting with families, listening to problems, praying for solutions, making miracles happen. The janitors keep these schools clean…that is a miracle alone. Pre-K through 8th graders are messy in the best schools in the world…what these kids have to walk through just to get to school is beyond my mere words, and these folks do it by hand, all day, every day. The teachers have energy and love for these kids that will melt the hardest heart. They give everything to teaching and loving and caring and communicating the word of God to their students and the community that has needs beyond my mere words…again.
Fixing the world’s problems and communicating the needs remains a task too large for one person, one mission team, one organization…but impossible with God’s help.
At the end of today, I am grateful and blessed to know these angels on earth and the organization that put’s The Lord’s Real Work into action.
God Bless you all and to all a good night.
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