
Matthew 6:33 “Seek first the Kingdom of heaven and His righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well.”
We woke up this morning eager to worship with our friends at Bondeni church. I was in charge of giving my testimony today and expressed that I was a bit nervous to share what I had to say hoping that I could be relatable to these people that barely had anything to their names. Nevertheless, we hopped in the van after breakfast (it’s funny how breakfast now seems like a luxury), and were on our way to the slums where the Bondeni school and church are located. Somehow this area seems worse than yesterday’s. As we drove further into the community, I saw a little boy a year or so younger than my youngest son, sitting barefoot and alone on a mountain of trash. With tears streaming down my face I told the group that I didn’t think I could do this. Our group encouraged me and I gathered myself together as we headed into church, stepping lightly over sewage and other trash on our way in. We were greeted with warm smiles and faces.
The scripture that started the service was of no surprise the exact same scripture that I included in my testimony. God was already working. We worshiped and danced to the beautiful music that our Kenyan friends prepared. When it was my turn to speak, Stephen, the pastor at Bondeni, translated for me in Swahili. I spoke about being raised by a single mother who always made church a priority. When I was finished, Stephen’s friend delivered her sermon. She told us that the night before she had prepared a sermon on friendship but God laid it on her heart to preach on another topic. She told Him she was listening and went to bed eager to hear what He had to say in the morning. When she awoke, the word he laid on her heart was “priorities”. Of course this is no coincidence. God had used my testimony and made it relatable to our new friends. She spoke about how nothing, not our jobs, or even food should be placed before God as a priority. Here she was preaching to people who barely, if at all had a job and barely had food that God should be there first priority. I loved how her sermon could have easily been preached at Snyder as all of us struggle with putting our priorities in order. Even down to giving our offerings, these people gave what they had, which wasn’t much, but to them it was everything. Where are your priorities today? -Jessica Smith
We woke up this morning eager to worship with our friends at Bondeni church. I was in charge of giving my testimony today and expressed that I was a bit nervous to share what I had to say hoping that I could be relatable to these people that barely had anything to their names. Nevertheless, we hopped in the van after breakfast (it’s funny how breakfast now seems like a luxury), and were on our way to the slums where the Bondeni school and church are located. Somehow this area seems worse than yesterday’s. As we drove further into the community, I saw a little boy a year or so younger than my youngest son, sitting barefoot and alone on a mountain of trash. With tears streaming down my face I told the group that I didn’t think I could do this. Our group encouraged me and I gathered myself together as we headed into church, stepping lightly over sewage and other trash on our way in. We were greeted with warm smiles and faces.
The scripture that started the service was of no surprise the exact same scripture that I included in my testimony. God was already working. We worshiped and danced to the beautiful music that our Kenyan friends prepared. When it was my turn to speak, Stephen, the pastor at Bondeni, translated for me in Swahili. I spoke about being raised by a single mother who always made church a priority. When I was finished, Stephen’s friend delivered her sermon. She told us that the night before she had prepared a sermon on friendship but God laid it on her heart to preach on another topic. She told Him she was listening and went to bed eager to hear what He had to say in the morning. When she awoke, the word he laid on her heart was “priorities”. Of course this is no coincidence. God had used my testimony and made it relatable to our new friends. She spoke about how nothing, not our jobs, or even food should be placed before God as a priority. Here she was preaching to people who barely, if at all had a job and barely had food that God should be there first priority. I loved how her sermon could have easily been preached at Snyder as all of us struggle with putting our priorities in order. Even down to giving our offerings, these people gave what they had, which wasn’t much, but to them it was everything. Where are your priorities today? -Jessica Smith
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Generations working together using our God given GiftsKenya Youth Mission TripIndescribable JoyPrioritiesFirst Day at BondeniThe Importance of Youth Mission TripsThe Future is Purchased by the PresentUntil NowThe Lord's Real WorkSweet, Sweet SpiritWhat Has Happened, Has HappenedReflection of the Kentucky Mission Trip
1 Comment
Jessica, I commend you for receiving the encouragement from those around you, to go forward with the purpose of the trip to Kenya, to be thankful for what you have at home here in the USA, and to be compassionate towards those you went to serve. You're an obedient servant of God! Even when you didn't think you could 'do this', God provided the strength and guidance. I appreciate your journal here. You have touched my heart with your bravery and obedience. I'm sure God is going to continue to bless you and grow you through this ministry you have embarked on. God bless you!